F5 Sites Design Guidelines

In our first attempt to uniform all our projects designs, making a similar look, like when you are in a Google, Amazon, Microsoft or Apple product you kind of know, even if you don’t really know why you know, you pretty sure that the sense and fell makes you fell like you are in “home”. That’s because they have a consistent design with some rules that guide all they products.

So F5 Sites started developing our first design guidelines, they started simple, but we think the rules will become more fit-able and better with time passes, so our first design guidelines are:

  • Top bar over all products
  • Logo font: Lobster
  • Color:
    • F5 blue: #03659c
    • F5 light blue: #549ed1
    • Ubuntu orange: #FF5919
    • Darkest gray: #3F3F3F
    • Dark gray: #888888
    • Light gray: #EEEEEE
    • Dark green: #398439
    • Light green: #449d44
    • Gold: #E2D693
  • Custom posts and products thumbnails

For now that is all, in future we are predicting paddings and margins for some elements. They will be applied whenever I can, for now they just exists and are being implemented without a deadline, but nothing new will be developed without following this strict.

Plugin Updated: F5 Sites Bar

In every Fnetwork site you can see a bar in the bottom, it has links to the main projects, and as the network grown, new links was updated. I never had comfortable time to work and with that bar was not different.

The idea arrived to get consistency to network, and make users navigate more well between all projects. Besides that, the linkage also could help get better position in search result engines.

One advantage is that we can check the whole network visits by checking the number of times that plugin bar displays. And also, in the right corner we show current user location.

But the design and appearance was not good, and even the position at the bottom make many users not saw it. So I am almost finishing the new design, the bar will go to the top, what made the original name change, now is only F5 Sites Bar. The design also changed a bit, many improvements was made and we are waiting another plugin of the network to be ready, F5 Sites Smart Language Filter.

When these twos plugins be ready, the Fnetwork will get to a new level. But it will take a time, many changes is being made in the background, the focus will be just one: get new costumers.

F5 Sites Started a Renovation to Get New Clients in Brazil

Since our 2016 plan, I changed F5 Sites focus to a more global position, making efforts to exit Brazil and go to a country like USA. The path I figured out to reach was simple, I started by translate all content of the site (posts, menus) to English, make a USA section in the site and then delivered content especially made to that target.

For site banner I choosed images like California, Chinese traffic jam, everything was more global and ready to get clients from anywhere in the World.

But the internationalization never ended-up, F5 Sites was just translated and never finished the whole process. It is not just translate, make the site beautiful, change images and wait for new lead and costumers to contact. It was necessary to get to the clients, to start conversation, make jobs proposal, and that’s when things got difficulty.

I personally think I can make dozen of leads and reach new clients in a face-to-face talk, even knowing that is possible and usual to get clients only via internet, it is easier for me to get touch in meetings, events, lectures, workshops, make active visits and explore my personal network to reach new clients. So, while I am still in Brazil, my plan has to shift, need to allocate efforts to get new clients here.

If you are in Sao Paulo, SP, contact us right now to schedule a meeting.

New Plugin in Development: F5 Sites Smart Language Filter

After tons of tests and experiences, with the most famous and updated language plugins for WordPress, I started one plugin for F5 Sites e Fnetwork. Based in a simple but efficient code I made for a project theme (Sistema Focalizador Javascript).All I had to do is to use tags in posts, like:

  • lang-en: english
  • lang-pt: portugues
  • lang-fr: french
  • lang-zn: chinese
  • And so on…

The “Smart” term in the name is because it use an algorythym based on WooCommerce Geocode and HTTP function to determine users location and provice the probably most correct language. So we will close our domains that start with br, like br.f5sites.com and br.franciscomat.com, because whenever location you are, the main domain will provide you content in your language.

The plugin will be present in all network, it will be attached to another plugin we use F5 Sites Footer Bar, so all sites will have translate options. The users will also have the option to change language anytime, and if it come in a link that does not have the language users spoke, a warn will be attached to change language anytime.

The plugin is under development and has no deadline to be finished, it is an effort I making to achieve best results in marketing and getting new clients.

Docker: We Are Migration Our Services to New DevOps Paradigm

In the upfront of currently technological changes we saw Docker as a new optimization paradigm. Why we waited so long to adopt it? The answer is simple, we only need it now, we were in a very long stable development process, without needing to migrate server or change process development.

But recently we reached a point to make an intermediate server, a kind of homolog/backup of production, then we saw that task would be huge time consuming, make all configuration, clone of git repos, installation of services like apache, myql, wordpress, etc. So I had two options, go folder to folder and make sure everything was alright, or format and install docker in a fresh linux /docker environment.

I choosed the second and most challenge option, so now I am working in the complete migration of all our projects, sites and operations to Docker technology. After that, we could instantiate our homolog server by simple running a docker command to set everything up and running.

Docker is not hard to understand, but you need to be very experienced to understand all its power, and it is not the best solution for all scenarios, but after you start using it, will be very difficulty to step back.

The First Semester of 2019 Was Very Busy

In the very end of 2018 I started a new position in a marketing company, working 9-18, so I had to leave a country side, small city, Itapetininga, and moved abruptly to Sao Paulo. In a day was in one small town with all time for me, the next I was in one of the ten biggest city of the World, without knowing nobody, moved to work in IT projects, a very intensive programming job, a very big challenge.

I moved to get a new income, I did not had choice, without funds and support, the only way I saw to get my plans done was to move to the capital. Besides work for money, I planned to launch my projects in a city of opportunities, besides Sao Paulo is the most expensive city to live in America Latina, it recompenses any one who is dedicated to work.

In and in parallel with it I started theater course in night, so basically had no time for blogging in my personal site. But after a period of adaptation, I am starting efforts to get back on trails of constantly post and commit in GitHub.

It was not in my planning to stop all my projects, that for me was going very well, besides it’s constantly late, without any funds, I was constantly strangling for low costs solutions to basic situations, even to make meals. But, after 6 months working hard, I am back to my personal site, all the work I did since end of 2016, will be the platform for my rocket launch.

Pomodoros.com.br Android Application Released in Beta Stage

A 2011 goal is finally getting out of the way, developing the native app for Android . Due to the advancement of Focus Training, application development was prioritized so that the first course students could download faster.

With the application we expect to grow a little faster, for some investors it is also a differential to be present in the Google Play store, because a good part believes in the mobile market and that to position with a native application is a superior strategy.

In fact it was enough for the user to access the mobile browser, click Menu-> Add Shortcut to the Main Menu, and the link with the jig would already appear on the main launcher, but I realize that few users have this habit, many prefer download direct from the App Store . We expect feedback to improve and release the definitive version soon.

Mega Update, Pre-Release Closing List

Before launching Pomodoros.com.br officially, I had to make a last list of updates, very extensive, that grew as I finished the tasks, but that brought great results from the point of view of programming and also many features for the users. The updates were:

Advertising Space

It was not the most difficult or the most laborious update of this round, but certainly the most important, since to date pomodoros.com.br, in almost 7 years in the air, never exhibited a single advertisement, having been kept with its own resources from the launch and until then in testing and development stage.

With the creation of advertising space within the app we can finally move to a second stage, supporting the expansion of the user network and further improving the service. At the moment we have no sponsor, we just opened the space, so know our sponsorship proposal and advertise your brand, product or service on our site.


The first version of pomodoros (Red), in 2011, already had two languages, Portuguese and English, with the qtranslate plugin, however as I add new screens and tools I left the translation for a second moment, the result was that the site was never 100% translated. The application was already in JavaScript, so I needed to create specific language files for the js, so the mess started.

In 2013 was released the second version (Green), also had two languages. another plugin for translation, wpml. Initially it seemed easier to translate, but soon it became a mess again, because as this plugin is for beginners and indicated for simple sites, also as I expanded the site it was difficult to do the translation, because it mixed parts of the words in source code and database.

Only now, at the end of 2018, I was able to take the time to “undo” all the “mistakes” of the past. For the translation was created its own technology, integrated with the new version of wordpress, buddypress and woocoomerce. Now with its own tool and the advanced method of translation, separating all the words into a language file in .pot format. Thus English was chosen as the primary language, and from it all new translations will be made, and only a small part. In addition, for new translations just send this simple file to a translator, who can do the translation and quickly the pomodoros will speak new languages.

The interface was updated in many parts, the main novelty was the implementation of bootstrap tables, they were implemented in the User Statistics widget, from the focus page, making the view much cleaner.

The task preview page was also completely redone using the tables, so it was also much lighter and easier to see the information. Finally, the project tag visualization page, where the bootstrap table was also implemented at the top, making the report much more professional.

And a very important update was made in the main tool, in the Focus page, it had already been “wiped” the screen, hiding additional information from the task with the Extra button, thus making the screen cleaner and easier for new users. Now it was implementing a new button called TODO, or task list, which displayed the task list when clicked and automatic dowel. For example, when used in the cell phone the interface was considerably simpler, more elegant and easier to use.

Bugs and Minor Updates.

Button Titles: a few weeks ago I was already bothering a little bug that changed the title of the application’s action button to the word Focus, at all stages of the tool, although working normally, this caused confusion in users, who expected the buttons, such as Focus, Interrupt Focus, Start Rest. In addition, the preset time only appears after clicking the button, now, after closing the pomodoros the clock displays the next action time, thus ending the pomodoro of 25 minutes, the clock displays 5 minutes with the Rest button.

Project tags: they were not working a few weeks ago, so some user projects were damaged, I needed to rebuild the project tags system and types of pomodoros to be able to work again.

Registration form: After some problems with the registration form, the registration process was finally stabilized and the registration interface closed, with a new screen for user activation after registration success. It was also possible to set the goal in Google Analytics to track the number of records and closely track the conversion rate of visitors to users.

Product visualization page: also the product page has been slightly updated, when clicking on buy keyring the screen is more rounded and similar to the registration and activation page, giving a similar appearance to all content of the site. The widget to buy keychain was also not displayed on the posts page due to a small, fixed.

Dynamic warnings: when the user clicks Interrupt Focus now a confirmation dialog will appear, to avoid inadvertent clicks, avoiding wasting time (user suggestion @Victor_Tardelli, thank you). Another warning that appears is when you close the browser tab with the time rolling, asking the user to confirm that they want to leave and lose the timed time.

Block wp-admin: An important security issue is to block the administrative area of ​​wordpress for non-admins.

It still has a huge list of tasks to close this list, less inconvenient bugs for the user and some new tools, continue reading our blog and follow the news of the project.

See the corresponding task: closing list

Conviértase en un patrocinador

Los pomodoros están cerca de ser liberados y usted puede ayudar a hacer este proyecto a la realidad. En España, America Latina y muchos países de habla hispana, empezamos a buscar usuarios globales.

Con su apoyo financiero su marca será siempre visible en el sitio, alcanzando a todos nuestros usuarios. Su anuncio quedará impreso en la página inicial y en la aplicación, en la barra lateral y en el pie de página del sitio. Además de alcanzar el público seleccionado, altamente intelectual, usted todavía estará apoyando un innovador lanzamiento y tendrá su marca asociada a un producto de alta tecnología.

Cuotas España/AL 2019

Para España/AL, año 2019 tendremos una cuota de 2.000 mensuales, que puede ser dividida o comprada por un único patrocinador maestro:

  • Patrocinador maestro: compra la cuota completa de 2.000  tiene la exclusividad de aparecer sólo su marca y productos en el blog y aplicación.
  • Patrocinador split: no hay un maestro, la cuota puede ser dividida en 4 de 500 , siendo impreso en los mismos sitios del patrocinador principal, pero alternando entre los splits.

Become a Sponsor

Pomodoros is close to being released and you can help make this project a reality. We will be present in USA, UK and many english speak countries, we started searching users in theses countries to became global.

With your financial support your brand will always be visible on the site, reaching all our users. Your ad will be printed on the home page and app, site sidebar and footer. In addition to reaching select, highly intellectual audiences, you will still be supporting an innovative startup and will have your brand associated with a high-tech product.

USA/UK Quotas 2019

For USA and UK 2019 will have a monthly fee of US$2.000, which can be divided or purchased by a single master sponsor:

  • Master sponsor: buy the full quota of US$2.000 and have the exclusivity to your brand and products in the blog and app.
  • Split Sponsor: If there is no master, the quota can be divided into 4 of US$500, being printed in the same places as the master sponsor, but alternating between splits.

Buenos Aires may be the first city out of Brazil with new users

The Spanish translation was a very important step for the future of the project, the Hispanic community is very large and representative. We do not know which Spanish language country will have our first user, but we bet all our chips that will be Argentina.

Within the Pomodoros global expansion project, we look at Buenos Aires to begin the expansion, we may be surprised by Spanish speakers from other countries, especially Spain, but soon the founder of the project will be in Buenos Aires to, among other things, do some technical visits related to the project.

You who are Spanish speakers can help us if you see any problems in the translation please let us know. Sign up for free and start focusing on your projects right now.

French Language – Adding a Third Language

Updating the pomodoros source code to facilitate translation and installation of new languages, French was chosen as the third official translation due to the number of new visitors coming from France.

We are still very dependent on Google Translate to do the translations, so we know that the quality is impaired, but it is certain that the reception of new visitors is much better when they find the words and translations in their language.

With great pride we welcome the French.

Langue Française – Installation de la Troisième Langue

En mettant à jour le code source de pomodoros pour faciliter la traduction et l’installation de nouvelles langues, le français a été choisi comme troisième traduction officielle en raison du nombre de nouveaux visiteurs venant de France.

Nous sommes toujours très dépendants de Google Translate pour faire les traductions, donc nous savons que la qualité est compromise, mais il est certain que la réception de nouveaux visiteurs est bien meilleure quand ils trouvent les mots et les traductions pour votre langue.

Avec une grande fierté, nous accueillons les Français.

Pomodoros is Closest to Production

We started a silent revolution to speedup page load, resizing images, setting up cache and all stuff to get craziness page load speed ever. After it we will launch or official app on Google Play, then prepare the official global launch, for now is all we have to say, Portuguese version of blog is much more updated, but we are shifting our priorities and English version will soon become very updated too.

Github Portfolio Updated

Launch new products is often good and make developers feel good, but when you did many launches things can become very messed. After long time I started opening codes from past works, since 2003 I developed apps, websites and games.

143 repositories, 2 followers.

I recently launched almost 30 old projects, most of then in Flash MX and Flash 8, in github. They are most for portfolio porpouse, but some of then have been re-released under 2018 fast adaptation, and they are becoming online.

In few weeks we will launch a new section in F5 Sites web site and my personal portfolio, making dozen of old projects live again, for public access and demo usage. Many of then will be avaiable for new investments to finish things up, and a few of it will be remake by myself with costs covered by me.

https://portfolio.franciscomat.com/ – Check my portfolio


Spending time planning a perfect pre-launch stage

The recent rocket launch Falcon Heavy taught World the importance of get everything ready and well tested before press the launch button, because after it, there is no going back. And even if you have the best and well payed engineers, fail is a part of the process, like the fail of third rocket in getting back to soil.

We are a small and lean startup, but for us, our rocket’s have as many technology as Falcon 9, and it is even more important to us then any other rock lauch. We are focusing so much effort in testing and getting early feedback as we can, it is a hard and tedious task, nobody want to do it for many time and we are waiting for lauching for so long, since 2010, that maybe the anxiety was something to be care of nowadays.

We are not in a technology rush (for while) with any competitors, since we dont even have market yets, we dont care about market growth, we only focus on make the best technology for our target public, getting feedback on early stages and having many ways to get it.

So in our blog it is possible to see how many posts talking about launch expectations, as we get closer and closer to launch we also getting huge priorities shifting. But the official release of our first USA & Global product, with massive marketing campaign, will be near at the end of the year, before many tests in Brazilian market.

F5 Sites Strategy For 2018: Expected Our First Product Release For USA and Europe

We are more than never focusing on USA and Europe market, there are tons of tests beside an official entrance. As a CEO I often repeat the same mistake, underestimate the time for long projects, I was expecting the first official F5 Sites products launches for 2017, but we did not released officially a single project, we focused more on IT infra-structure and primary code releases, and even exhaustive testing of new routines and process for backup and data synchronization in large data clusters.

I did not mean I did not worked well or I do not have capacity to preview, It just mean we must set some strategic milestones on initial planning, for products built up from zero it is impossible to address all uncertainties in the beginning.

For Brazilian market we make a great progress, besides it’s not our main focus, to make software in Portuguese, we just reprogrammed an old product, our principal product for Brazil in the period 2011-2015, the Pomodoros.com.br webapp. It is back online, after two years offline, but it is still in alpha stage, just for tests and costumers feedback, we will proceed in the next months with a small online campaign for getting new users and promote a donating campaign for support the project.

The webapp have an English version, but we will launch a different and much improved version for USA and Europe, a new software is being made, we started it in the last years and probably I will launch it in 2018, now we have well stabilized our servers and backup routines. That is why I am, in January 2018, thinking that this new year will finally be the most important year in F5 Sites history, our first Brazilian turtle is expecting to reach California sea or some Europe bay.

But some things can again late market entrance, we are passing trough our must difficulty founding moments, with few sources of founds and no costumers revenue, we are struggling in a mess state of priorities and expected that it become even more difficult for next months because of time-pressure. We are chasing the most relevant investors for the projects stages, it iss clear for me that the entrance of new interest parts can speed-up some parts of project, but in other hand it can rearrange our launch schedules.

Contact us now

After putting our blogs and startups online, testing everything we was then ready to starting receive leads contacts for project development. We are growing up our service capacity, ramping up and scaling os customized customer service.

Putting contact forms on sites was an easy task years ago, but we are now surrounded by tons of bots, simple contact forms can receive a lot of spam, besides annoying it can make tedious for fast response receiving notifications of spams.

After testing the Google reCaptcha, with great results for spam control, we are moving for a new and simple solutions, Honey Pots, bots are dumb and putting an hide field for then is a trick way to prevent it. We are using 3 wordpress plugins for our contact form:

  • Contact Form 7
  • Contact Form 7 Honey Pot
  • Contact Form 7 Database
  • F5 Sites Bug & Correction Plugin

The last one was custom made to “unify” all contacts from multiple domains under the same table, now we can use the same contact form on multiple sites, speeding up development and launch of services, centralizing contacts from multiple sources.

Widget For Recent Posts Is Now Working

When working with an emergency project we must set priorities, testings up plugins can be exhaustive, nobody want’s to retest every location where the plugin is installed whenever and minor modification occurs, but when we are in a fast pace projects, with no planning and just one mark, proves that it worth effort, the process of testing is even worst and consuming.

So is basically working under a large growing mess of annotations, papers and folder, software for project management, but in fact nothing can really help. That is the very start moment of an project,  changes are very often and when it finally reach an first stable version, is time to get back on track and get the word left behind done.

For about months the Recent Posts Widget not working was annoying me very much, consuming and stressing, I then realized that it is almost the center of the blog, if that list was wrong, with wrong content, links, information and languages, visitors may not understand where they are, so it become a urgency.

Now I can share all my blogs links, without getting people confusing asking themselves why that Recent Posts links is showing that weird stuff, now everyone can navigate safe and be related with the right content in the right time.


A huge problem emerged just a minute before our costumers tests our first WooCommerce virtual store

When we just finished up our local tests of our first online WooCommerce store, when it was online and ready for our first costumers to test it out a huge problem emerged. When we use native WordPress functions and the WooCoommerce plugin for quick attach an virtual store to our wp site, we must adapt the data managements to a mix of combined patterns of both, wp and woo, they are all good, but have problems for scalability.

WooCoommerce stores in the same table products and orders (side to side with WordPress blog posts, pages, menus…) it is quickly for deploys new stores, but in few moments everything can become a mess of data, stored mixed. The problem is when we have to update only certain product data, like stock quantity, and of course keep orders preserved, it is impossible to do (without temporary lock down live site for maintence) with bult-in WordPress, WooCommerce or even SQL commands, it is basic a lock-up.

To break that, the solution we take is a dirty little hack, that is only acceptable by expert users, who fully understand what we suggested and coded as a solution. We just released or fist hack plugin, it is avaiable on github and soons as we make a good documentation we will submit to wp plugins directory:

What F5 Sites | Woocommerce shop_order Tables does?

It creates a hack table on database called 9woo + wp prefix + shop_order + endpoint (posts or postmeta), and (by using hooks) whenever WordPress or WooCommerce asks for orders data it force $wpdb object to get if from another tables. It is a hack, you must have a deep understand about hook and wp core functions before you can take the most of our solution.

F5 Sites WordPress solutions: simple for developers

Simple for developers

That quote is suggest to be in the most WordPress development project we lead, we respect the regular user, but we focus most on the developer point-of-view. One simple example of what it means on our wp plugins is most of then don’t have an wp-admin options panel, you must edit it directly on plugin folder.

WordPress community quick reject that way of doing projects because when you update it, you lost the changes. That can be really a problem, but we suggest you just fork our projects and be the owner of your own custom solution, it means stop receiving or updates, for good or bad.

So we came back to original quote, simple for developers!

Our first public and opensource WordPress plugin

plugin: f5sites-shared-post-tables-and-uploads-folders

After almost 9 months of tests and improvements, a lot of risk taken, we got in alpha stage of development for Shared WordPress Post Type and Taxonomies + Uploads Folder. The projects uncertainty itself seems not enough, if it was about risk taken, that new plugin initiative was a big all in, because I it stopped every single project for more 6-9 months, again, latening market entrance.

Years ago, 2014, a recent bachelor programmer said to me that WordPress data model was a mess, I took it personally and go look for more informations and sadly find out that he was partially correct, the simplicity of it’s model was very good for some situation, but locks out the developer in some scalability problems, if not well configured.

WordPress development is already fast, it has dozen of bult-in functions and integration, for start a new project is easy as use Fantastic or other script installer to get site ready in seconds. But for quickest deployment ever it was a prision, one installation for each project is the start of a big mess.

So the first step of rearrangement was simple using one single install for all blogs, and take the code dependency management to the next level, using Composer. Next is share all the users across single installations, it was a huge progress, and finally why don’t share blog posts too? In that point we can start answering where is the “mess”.

Objects are stored mixed in database schema, blog posts is stored as the same global type of products, pages, menus, contact forms, and every object called post_type. To make things more complicated there is a separated table for postmeta, it is a relational table with same index (post ID), so you must let wp address it’s number, and using a second table will make unique identifiers desync, it is very hard schema to break.

But came to me that the solution was easy, don’t take me too long to realize that it is actually better than worst, I can now share pages, menus, contact forms, midia, products, everything, withou losing control of some data stored in single databases, for each single installation. It was just a question to make it works well, sharing post_types and don’t break-up WordPress, all of it without touching core code, just by enabling/disabling a plugin, and after 9 months of intensive tests and twice almost abandoned it, finally it get stabilized and ready for refinements.

For separate singe install shared data I used a category, and for automatized more the process the category is exactly the domain name, so just check the domains when creating a blog post, and will be displayed only in that domain. For products it works even better, it list all products and just indicates and redirects the user to the correct store domain, it was great.

It also inaugurate a new era of development, focusing most effort in making public open-source software, hosted primary on open Github configuration, for free download and re-utilization, we perceive a new paradigm of value on it initiative. It stills in alpha, but already available for public.

We Are Going To The Ocean

When you are a guepardo you can always say the other animals in nature is very slow, but if you think deeply you will perceive that the guepardo cant hunt slowly, for the guepardo it is not a good idea to hunt without reaching top speed, they did not choose to be fast, they were made to be fast.

As a CEO and developer I can always choose the pace of the projects, it is good have a good schedule and nice budget, but is not guarantee of success. In the first look you can bet the guepardo speed as a better option than turtle speed for project pace, but what are you considering, just the speed?

Turtles can live up to 200 years, the don’t need many food and they spend most of theirs time relaxing on the sun or surfing good waves. To guarantee the specie survivoring along the years they put dozen of eggs yearly, a lot of slow turtles, fragiles, being served as food for other species, but a few survive.

The baby turtles learn quickly they need to make their own way to have their food, in other hand the guepardo is always hunting dinner for children, one day without feeding the babies can put they in danger. Think if the mother is sick and dies it is probable the end for the children too. But where is startups in that animal talk? Our startups it the little turtles, we are sending many of them to ocean right now, some of them was already eaten, most not even touched the water, most of them are breaking it’s eggs toward the ocean.

SSL Certification Concluded

Without strong walls why the gate? Securing data is a big concern for today servers managers, data collecting and storage is crucial, we are living in the beginning of big data era. Some of that data are no for public access, and some information is very confidential, how to deal with that needs a complex answer.

Security access is the basics, it is more than have strong passwords, it is to give right people the right information and keeping not-authorized ones out. As a server admin I can say our servers security is high, but for strictly security performance the server admin words doesn’t guarantee nothing, we need third parties specialists to confirm it.

When a site or domain have SSL certification they have guaranteed that the interception of data between the final user and server is way difficult, all protocols and security norms is followed, and the constat renewal of SSL certificates guarantee the servers is always updated with most recent security standards. That is certainly a big mark for all our projects.

Looking For Next Level English Content Writing

Attending our objectives for high quality content we are now putting more efforts on final text english quality. As a non-native speaker, I try to push myself to best, but for a native speaker the minimum quality expected is to attend grammatical norms, at last

The fact is that for now I am the only author, but the idea is to expand our team, se one of the ideas is to look for a native speakers to join our team for 2017. At these moment we are just improving the system, it is about to make a triad stands, information engineering, content writing and personalized costumer experience.

After the system is “ok” will be easy for authors and employees to join in writing periodically content.

IT and Tech Market Trends – Turtles Are Looking For Ocean Currents

As part of our plan for the US market, we did an initial research on the market trends for IT companies and technology, we want to side by side with the next generation applications. As we make sense of this mass of information, we see a very clear line about the trend we think we will pursue the companies.

Using figurative language, we want our turtles to reach the deep ocean waves to migrate to new places to survive and grow. Or startups are looking for trends that can possibility security and rapid growth of business, the main trend we will persuit are SaS (Software As Service), but there are trends within this major trend.

Netflix is as an amazing and popular software as service example, you pay recurrent subscriptions for access their network, basically the idea is let’s put some fences around and charge for people to enter, it’s how real internet business operates. But what f5sites got inside our fences? If you are Netflix you are more like a Zoo, where you get into a car with 5 other people to see the same things, if the person on your side are looking at the buffalo it does not affect their experience if you look at the buffalo too.

What we are going to offer is another place for you to ride your personalized bike, a personal experience above all, it is a new generation of deeply personalized services, is a kind of thing that Apple and Google sells, webapps so smart that it makes you feel like it belongs to you. Your Agenda is useless to other, you can not borrow it to anybody because it is made for personal use, like many other services of the kind.

Within this trend there is a lot of possible positions, if you are looking at the great picture you must decide what ocean you want to release your turtles. We will release fun and work webapps that will operate together, since they are all, in other words, under the same umbrella, sharing users and IT infrastructure. This is the most generic word to share a piece of our plans, within our planning there is more deep market research and growth forecasts, made by experts. So stay tuned and check out our next launches for 2017.

Brazilian Website Moved Down to a Subdomain

As part of moving toward to become global, brazilian operations will no longer be a priority, some content will be published in portuguese, but most of efforts will now be focused on english content.

(translate) Aviso: o site para o público brasileiro está agora disponível em um subdomínio, acesse agora e continue informado sobre nossas publicações para o Brasil.

We want to know what USA markets expects from a new IT service or product

Since December 2016 we start focusing in USA market, we are a little Brazilian startup looking for achieving the impossible, our first costumer in USA market, our first invoice and billing in USA dollars. We are not just translating Brazilian or portuguese content from our blog, we decide to take more risks and stopped all operations in Brazil, we stopped getting new costumers for IT services to focusing providing sofware as service, we are developing a SaaS based company, focusing since (re)born in USA market.

We write posts in english, we are now even trying re-think how we approach to our real target market, we have to write directly in english, even with a lot of mistakes and mal formed sentences, we are doing our best to improve our communications skills, so we can listen and get feedback from USA costumers, do you live in USA, tell us what is important to you for and IT company, service provider?

Author: Francisco Matelli Matulovic

Date: 2016-12-04

F5 Sites – Moving up Toward To Become a Global IT Solutions Provider

As part of our strategic plan, we are moving toward to become a global business partners from companies and governments all around the world. Our products is first-class and out-of-box software solutions.

All Brazilian operations is now stopped, all costumers accounts in Brazil is currently closed due the fact we stopped working with brazilian reals (R$), we shut down every service and site while we were changing our official currency, by the way, a lot of technological improvements was achieved in our server, we will talk more more about that in future posts. After stopping our operations in Brazil, we are now accepting USA dollars as primary way of payment, all annunciated prices are for USA market, we advise we are closing even our offices in Brazil for attempting to start operations exclusively for USA.

By today there are no more support and sales operations for Brazil, if you are in Brazil you can still use our products and services, e.g. become PRO Focalizador user, you can still buy our products, but you have to make an international transfer or use an international credit card as primary option for payment. We are now scanning opportunities and planning arrive USA as soon we get our software and server ready for our new market, new costumers with habits and culture very distinct from our earlier targets, we are proudly to annunciates that our products is now getting ready for USA market, we strongly believe that the laws and culture for technological based firms in many USA states is far improved than a still baby Brazilian market and kind of primitive technological environment and innovation ecosystem.