We are more than never focusing on USA and Europe market, there are tons of tests beside an official entrance. As a CEO I often repeat the same mistake, underestimate the time for long projects, I was expecting the first official F5 Sites products launches for 2017, but we did not released officially a single project, we focused more on IT infra-structure and primary code releases, and even exhaustive testing of new routines and process for backup and data synchronization in large data clusters.
I did not mean I did not worked well or I do not have capacity to preview, It just mean we must set some strategic milestones on initial planning, for products built up from zero it is impossible to address all uncertainties in the beginning.
For Brazilian market we make a great progress, besides it’s not our main focus, to make software in Portuguese, we just reprogrammed an old product, our principal product for Brazil in the period 2011-2015, the Pomodoros.com.br webapp. It is back online, after two years offline, but it is still in alpha stage, just for tests and costumers feedback, we will proceed in the next months with a small online campaign for getting new users and promote a donating campaign for support the project.
The webapp have an English version, but we will launch a different and much improved version for USA and Europe, a new software is being made, we started it in the last years and probably I will launch it in 2018, now we have well stabilized our servers and backup routines. That is why I am, in January 2018, thinking that this new year will finally be the most important year in F5 Sites history, our first Brazilian turtle is expecting to reach California sea or some Europe bay.
But some things can again late market entrance, we are passing trough our must difficulty founding moments, with few sources of founds and no costumers revenue, we are struggling in a mess state of priorities and expected that it become even more difficult for next months because of time-pressure. We are chasing the most relevant investors for the projects stages, it iss clear for me that the entrance of new interest parts can speed-up some parts of project, but in other hand it can rearrange our launch schedules.